Friday, February 19, 2010

One Hour Photo

One word to describe this movie is, creepy. Sy, the photo technician who is the main character in the movie had good intentions by exposing a cheating husband to Nina (the wife), but ended up turning into a psycho during the end. He got obsessed and it seemed like he got too emotionally attached to the photos he was viewing and printing out.

This movie wasn’t horrible but it wasn’t one of my favorites. I’ll definitely think twice when I pick up prints and wonder what they really do with my photos.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Khammy,

    I wasn't really creeped out by this film until I thought of the scenario actually unfolding in reality. When I used to shoot a lot of film, as a kid, I always wondered about those weird guys behind the photo-desk at Superstore. I wondered about how much they saw, what they really looked at, and whether or not they kept the photos. Now that we have the ability to easily produce our own prints in our own homes, we can remain completely anonymous if we choose... but I think I miss the thrill of wondering who was looking at ALL my prints.

    If you'd been serving a family on a regular basis, in a small photo lab, and had found out that the man was cheating, what would you have done? Even if you weren't obsessed with them. If you were just casually familiar with them, knew their names, saw some of their prints, here and there... what would you do?
