Thursday, April 15, 2010

AT 21.1 Hybrid Photography

During the Spring Break I shot a roll of color film themed "people". Below are a few photos from the roll.

Friday, February 19, 2010


I was really enjoying the beginning of this movie because Pecker sort of reminded me of myself. I’m the type of person that would always carry a camera and photograph people around me. But my opinion quickly changed. The story line wasn’t so bad. It was just the humor that I really didn’t enjoy. There were some scenes that were funny but other scenes were just vulgar.

One Hour Photo

One word to describe this movie is, creepy. Sy, the photo technician who is the main character in the movie had good intentions by exposing a cheating husband to Nina (the wife), but ended up turning into a psycho during the end. He got obsessed and it seemed like he got too emotionally attached to the photos he was viewing and printing out.

This movie wasn’t horrible but it wasn’t one of my favorites. I’ll definitely think twice when I pick up prints and wonder what they really do with my photos.

Manufactured Landscapes

This was an excellent movie! The director did a great job of getting the message across about how humans are affecting the natural state of the earth. The images were breath taking. I was amazed at how the photographer was able to make the unpleasant scenes look so stunning and beautiful.

I also liked the fact that the end of the movie had no actually ending, which me wonder… What happened to the largest dam being built? What happened to the city that was being torn down? What happened to the woman that didn’t want to leave her home?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

DT 13.2 Blogging Non-School-Related Photos

My friend Zia asked me to assist him in shooting Fatima & Saqib's Wedding. I had a blast. It was so much fun!

During the break I had late dinner at Moxies with my two friends Jeff and Jules.

I was asked by my friend Nora to take some shots of her kids for a Christmas Card. Every time I had my camera pointed at them they had a million dollar smile on. They were so cute and fun to photograph.

On new years I had dinner at Fazzo and then attended a house party. Here is a picture of a happy couple kissing shortly after the new years countdown.

Yup, all those gifts were for the kids.

This is my cousin and her adorable dog Toby. He absolutely loved the camera.

This is my co-worker Kirsten. We are at our annual Christmas lunch at Joeys restaurant.

I should really stop doing drive by shootings. I couldn't help it. I couldn't stop admiring the blue sky.

I had lunch with a friend at Salsbury house. As we were walking out we came across this machine. She wanted to play it and she won.

My co-workers wife baked me a delicious batch of cookies.

It was one of my best friends birthday during the Christmas break. We went to the keg for dinner.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

AT 11.2 Karsh

George Enesco 1954

I slowly went through the entire exhibit and there was one image that I couldn’t get out of my mind. It was the image of George Enesco.

There is a lot going on in this photo yet it’s not too cluttered or overwhelming. The subject is in the middle, which breaks the rule of thirds, yet it still works and makes the image visually appealing. The background compliments the subject and acts like a natural framing. The placement of his hands implies that he is multi talented at what he does. The expression on his face also shows that he loves what he does.

There are plenty of dark and light tones in the image. Looks like there would have been dodging and burning used. The side lighting added a lot of texture and depth, which helped enhance the character in his face. Although it looks like there was multiple lighting situations used in the photo, the overall dim lighting adds an intimate mood.

Karsh really did an amazing job in caputuring this photo!